FSP believes:
Too many decisions about land
use – rezoning, highway funding, expanded airports – have been
made by growth-intoxicated leaders based on the assumption that
all growth is good and that business interests and profits take
priority over healthy reefs, fisheries, clean water and clean
FSP believes:
An aggressive and persistent
citizenry must insist our state and federal leaders recognize
and deal with the cause of Florida's unsustainable growth and
consumption – TOO MANY PEOPLE! We do this by writing letters,
making phone calls and talking to our friends and acquaintances.
Every newspaper and every elected official needs to hear the message
again and again until indifference is overcome.
FSP believes:
Florida's population can and must be stabilized to
secure a decent quality of life that is economically viable for
all our citizens. Water shortages, overcrowded schools and roads,
spiraling taxes and skyrocketing energy demands cannot be overcome
by technological fixes when Florida's 19 million residents in 2013 are
projected to grow to 20 million by 2015 according to the U.F. Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
FSP believes:
Florida's population growth cannot be stemmed without
putting a lid on U.S. population growth. The U.S. added over three
million people each year in the decade of the 1990's, 33 million
in just ten years. Analysis of the components of U.S. growth indicates
that over 80% of population growth is attributed to immigrants
and the first-born generation to those immigrants. We must move
quickly to develop a national population policy based on living
within our resource base and that policy must include a significant
reduction in immigration numbers.
FSP believes:
Legal immigrants cannot be faulted
for seeking a better life for themselves and their families. A
controlled number of immigrants based on traditional levels of
immigration has been put out of kilter since the changes enacted
by Congress in 1965. This must be rectified. And, we believe illegal
immigrants should not be permitted to enter our country and should
not be rewarded by amnesties to legitimize their status.